Professor Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources
Director Rutgers Climate and Energy Institute
14 College Farm Road
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8525
julie.lockwood (at) rutgers.edu View CV
"There's two buttons I never like to hit: that's panic and snooze."
Ted Lasso
Current Lab Members
Anthony Vastano, Msc
Research Coordinator
Anthony manages the eDNA lab, and generally keeps this ship afloat
anthonyvastano (at) gmail.com
Mario Hernandez, PHD
Research Scientist
Aquatic ecologist, data scientist, data analyst…and more
mario.f.hernandez (at) rutgers.edu
Chris Eddy
Senior Research Technician
Chris handles much of the actual eDNA lab and field work for the group
cse31(at) sebs.rutgers.edu
Kathleen Kyle, PHD
Research Scientist
Kat manages terrestrial eDNA projects in our lab
kek154 (at) scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Jose Ramirez-Garofalo
PhD student
Jose’s research interests center on the use of artificial intelligence for predicting the biodiversity impacts of climate change
jose.ramirez.garofalo (at) rutgers.edu
Caleb Truscott
PhD student
Caleb’s research centers on the role of landscape connectivity in conservation of amphibians.
cgt26 (at) scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Leon Green-Tkacenko
PhD student
Leon explores the interface between biodiversity conservation and climate change adaptation and mitigation.
lat199 (at) scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Shannon Dickey
PhD student
Shannon’s research explores the use of eDNA to produce insights into managing aquatic ecosystems in the face of global change.
sd1266 (at) scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Mariel Vandegrift
Research Scientist, Cornell University
Mike Allen, PhD
Consultant, Tsuga Biodiversity Insights, NJ
Ryan Almeida, PHD
Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of Geography and Environment, Villanova University, PA
Jeff (Brown) Clark, PhD
Senior Manager of Applied Climate Research, The Natural Areas Conservancy, NY
Alex Safiq, PhD
Marine Salmon Fisheries Policy Coordinator, Washington Depart. of Fish and Wildlife, WA
Lella CrystaL, Phd
Data Scientist on Copilot, GitHub, Inc., CA
Oliver Stringham, PHD
Research Analyst, Rutgers Climate and Energy Institute, NJ
Kevin Aagaard, PhD
Senior Data Scientist, AE Strategies, VA
Julian Avery, PhD
Associate Research Professor in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Ecosystem Science and Management, Penn State University, PA
Ben BaIser, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, University of Florida, FL
Curtis Burkhalter, PHD
Sr. Product Manager, AI & Machine Learning, HP, CO
David La Puma, PhD
Vice President of Sales, Marketing and Customer Service at Cellular Tracking Technologies, NJ
blake Mathys, phd
Associate Professor of Environmental Science, Ohio Dominican University, OH
Alison Seigel Nurok, PhD
Laboratory Professor in Biology, Middlebury College, VT
Liba Pejchar, Phd
Professor, Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology, Colorado State University, CO
Orin J. Robinson Jr., PhD
Research Associate, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, NY
tom virzi, phd
Executive Director, Research Ecologist, Conservation InSight, OR
Laura Reynolds, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, Worcester State University, MA
Chris Field, PhD
Director for the Office of Planning and Resilience, Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, CT
Rafael Valentin, PhD
Bioinformatics Scientist, Elysium Health, FL
Donnie Peterson, PhD
Marie Curie Post-doc, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SWE
Dustin Welbourne, PHD
Quantitative Geography Consultant, Canberra, AUS
Rebecca Boulton, PhD
Founder RLB Ecology, AUS
phillip cassey, phd
Australian Research Council Industry Laureate Fellow at the Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology in the School of Biological Sciences, The University of Adelaide.
Lecturer in Ecology, School of Environmental
Sciences, University of East Anglia, UK